Biological resources
Living & preserved marine organisms
The provision of marine biological resources for research purposes, both private and academic, is one of the main objectives of EMBRC-ES. From the Spanish node of EMBRC we can offer culture collections and biobanks, as well as, a diverse range of species collected from the wild. We have model organisms and taxonomic analysis services. Our facilities allow us to breed and maintain different species of interest in aquaculture. Many of these biological resources can be supplied both on site and remotely, respecting the conditions of each species to maintain their viability during shipment.
Services at ECIMAT, CIM-UVigo

Culture collections
Culture collections of phytoplankton and zooplankton strains for aquaculture purposes.
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Marine model organisms
Availability of different model species for studies with different purposes: Paracentrotus spp, Daphnia magna, Siriella armata, Cyprinodon variegatus.
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Organisms collected in the wild
Collection and supply of local marine flora and fauna from the Southern Galician Rias.
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Rearing of aquaculture animals
Cultivation of microalgae and zooplankton species for aquaculture studies. Rearing of molluscs, equinoderms, fishes and other marine organisms.
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Services at PiE-UPV/EHU

Biological resources from Biscay Bay Environmental Biospecimen Bank. Liquid nitrogen supply for cryobank. Dry-shippers with temperature data logger for air transportation.
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Culture collections
Biological resources from the Basque Microalgae Culture Collection.
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Organisms collected in the wild
Field collected biological resources.
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Rearing of marine research organisms
Maintenance of fish (zebrafish, mullets, faltfish, sea bass…), mussels, marine gastorpods, anemone, sea urchins, marine polychaetes, copepods, microalgae.
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Taxonomic services
Taxonomic identification: benthos, microalgae, macroalgae, zooplancton.
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Services at BEA-FPCT-ULPGC

Culture collections
Culture collection of microalgae and cyanobacteria (2000 strains from different environments)
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Organisms collected in the wild
Possibilities to bioprospecting (macro-, microalgae and other marine organisms) in different environments and easy access to other islands (Canary Islands)
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Taxonomic services
Taxonomical and molecular identification possibilities.
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Cell isolation and cultures maintenance including -150ºC
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