Ecosystem access
Access to different marine ecosystems
EMBRC-ES facilitates access to a diverse range of ecosystems. Its three stations, located in different environments, allow access to marine and coastal ecosystems as diverse as rocky and sandy intertidal zones, mudflats, pristine coastal areas, estuaries, seagrass maerl bed, salt marshes, kelp forests, volcanic seabeds, coral reefs, planktonic communities or pelagic and benthic zones.
Services at ECIMAT, CIM-UVigo

Coastal research vessels
Two coastal research vessels for accessing Southern Galician Rias: 7.5 m cruise + 5.5m rigid-hulled inflatable boat.
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Sampling equipment
Sampling (Niskin bottles, plankton nets, dredges, etc.)
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Scientific diving
Equipment for scuba diving in the Southern Galician Rias
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Services at PiE-UPV/EHU

Coastal research vessels
Coastal research vessel for accessing coastal pelagic ecosystems, rocky shores and estuaries. 4.8 m RHIB and boat trailer.
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Sampling approaches and equipment
Access to ecosystems in intertidal areas.
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