Technology platforms
The most modern technologies for marine research
EMBRC-ES has state-of-the-art technological platforms in its facilities to enable researchers to carry out a wide variety of analyses of organisms. We have equipment for molecular analysis and bioassays, as well as equipment for biochemical and structural analysis and remote sensing facilities. We have extensive microscopy equipment that allows users to carry out light and electron microscopy analyses.
Structural and chemical analysis: Possibilities for extraction procedures and standard chemical analysis (proximal). Spectrophotometers and Turner fluorimeter are available.
Services at ECIMAT, CIM-UVigo

Light & fluorescent microscopy & image analysis, flowcam.
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Histological sample processing
Sample dissection, fixation of samples, impregnation in paraffin, microtome for cutting and different types of staining.
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Services at PiE-UPV/EHU

Toxicity tests, sublethal exposure response tests.
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Slide scanner, inverted and regular light microscopy, epifluorescence microscopy and laser capture microdissector.
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Molecular biology and -omics
Transcriptomics, environmental DNA analysis.
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Structural and chemical analysis
Freeze dryer, metabolomic unit, basic element X-ray analysis (Tornado), analytical chemistry service.
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Services at BEA-FPCT-ULPGC

Flow cytometry with sorting (SONY SH800). Microscopy laboratory holding different high technology microscope and stereomicroscope, both with fluorescence attachment, for detailed algae work is also part of the collection unit. Access to TEM and Confocal Microscopy services are available at the main University campus.
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Molecular biology and -omics
The molecular biology unit including equipment for molecular work including a PCR-Real Time
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PAM, PEA and AquaPen chlorophyll fluorometers
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